Who Cares?

Christmas is just two weeks away. I know; you didn’t need the reminder. Black Friday and CyberMonday aside, I haven’t finished my shopping either. (Well, actually I haven’t started it.) But we are in the midst of the season for better or worse, and the chances are it has been better and it has been worse. It is for me a good time to be retired. If Christmas is busy and stressful for the average guy, it is more so for the pastor. In our culture everyone struggles a bit to maintain a proper focus on the meaning of Christmas; pastors, of course, get to help everyone else struggle as well.

I found myself thinking about pastoral Christmases while trying to find a late-night Christmas Eve service. It surprised me to discover how many churches have either no service or one only in the early evening. Before it became irritating, I remembered some of my own pastoral Christmas Eves where time with my own family was sacrificed for time with a congregation. We made that sacrifice willingly, joyfully and without resentment, but now I was glad for the pastors whose Christmas Eve schedule was a bit more relaxed.

They give a lot. And in our consumer-oriented culture, we take a lot (including, often, our pastors for granted) and we don’t much care. Perhaps we should. Your pastor doesn’t need much, but he could use your prayers and your encouragement. He could use them in January and February and beyond as well. This Christmas, how about giving the gift of caring for those who care for you?
Foot in Mouth